How Much Does a Liposuction Cost?

how much does a liposuction cost

There is no procedure more associated with body contouring other than liposuction. It is the most famous and most commonly used. Liposuction, in brief, is the extraction of fat from problem areas of the body using a cannula (a thin metal tube). It is an instrumental procedure in everything from tummy tucks, Brazilian butt lifts, buttock lifts, and even male breast reductions.

So, what affects the cost of liposuction?

For the most part, the cost of liposuction depends on two factors: the number of areas treated and the amount of time the procedure takes.

If a surgeon is billing by the area, the first area will probably include the facility fee and anesthetics. You may then see that they might offer discounts on additional locations. If the surgeons bill by the hour, you might want to make a note of the complexity of the procedure. Difficult areas like the chin, which require perhaps thinner, more advanced cannulae for fat to be extracted, may increase the amount of time the surgeon spends on your procedure and may thus increase the cost. Particularly large areas can also be time-consuming. You should consult your surgeon at our cosmetic center in Miami, who will be more than happy to take you through what the process might entail.

Other factors in your liposuction cost include:

  • The level of experience and credentials of your surgeon. You should always search for surgeons with the highest expertise and best credentials. Board-certified surgeons, like those at Avana Plastic Surgery, are the best in the field. Liposuction is a type of surgery. As with any surgical procedure, it carries a small but never negligible risk, and you should feel comfortable that your operation will be done by capable hands. Miami is one of the most important surgical capitals of the world. There are hundreds of plastic surgery options for you to choose from. This means that prices are usually lower than those found in other big metro areas like New York City and San Francisco.
  • The location of the procedure. This is a very significant factor, as the clinic's location can starkly impact the cost of a procedure and lead you to consider traveling to another city to get it. The average price of liposuction nationally is $6,500, according to RealSelf reviews and data.
  • Getting liposuction in Miami might be economically savvy. In New York City, prices can range from $1,000 to $11,000. In California, prices can range from $6,500 to $14,000. At Avana Plastic surgery, liposuction ranges from $2,000 to $6,000, so the prices are better than other big markets in the country.
  • The type of liposuction. As we mentioned above, many areas of the body can be targeted by liposuction. Some areas are more difficult than others and may require different liposuction methods. Liposuction technology has advanced quite a bit and now includes such methods as Laser-Assisted Liposuction (LAL), Power-Assisted Liposuction (PAL), and Ultrasound or VASER Liposuction. While the most popular option, tumescent liposuction, is quite successful in its own right, the other technologies might be more precise and are likely to have better recovery times. They can be more expensive than tumescent liposuction, but you may also need less time off work to recover.
  • The type of anesthesia. At Avana Plastic Surgery in Miami, your procedure will determine the kind of anesthesia the surgeon will put you under. You and your surgeon will most certainly be able to discuss this in your consultations. More minor procedures are typically done with IV sedation, whereas more extensive liposuction, which requires you to be unconscious, will use general anesthesia. Naturally, the second option is often more expensive than the first. At all points, your comfort is one of Avana Plastic Surgery 's primary concerns.

What's in the cost?

You are encouraged to ask your surgeon at your consultation for info on what the cost of your procedures includes. As above, you should ask whether body areas or time (or both) will determine the final bill. Ask about anesthesiologist fees, facility fees, lab tests, medication, the necessity of a compression garment. You are also encouraged to ask about cancellation policies in case your plans change and revision surgery if issues need to be corrected. Avana Plastic Surgery prides itself not just on its quality but on its accessibility, and you are welcome to discuss these topics with your surgeon.

Will insurance cover liposuction?

As a cosmetic surgery, insurance is not likely to cover liposuction. Nevertheless, Avana Plastic Surgery offers flexible financing plans and accepts credit cards like CareCredit. At all points, Avana Plastic Surgery tries to make financing your surgical procedure a more manageable endeavor.

Where do I start looking for a surgeon?

It's best to start by having consultations with multiple surgeons and getting personalized costs. You should make your decision after you consider the issues outlined above. A consultation with a possible surgeon will yield personalized estimates that will prevent you from surprises down the road. In addition, Avana Plastic Surgery's surgeons in Miami will be happy to let you know whether you're an excellent candidate for liposuction or whether there may be other procedures that may better accord with your goals.